Sunday, October 13, 2019

My Book Of Life

In the book of my life, a page must be filled

With memories of joy and moments of thrill 

There are chapters of laughter and of tears 

Some moments of triumph and times to fear 


Life's journey has taken me far and wide 

Through the valley low and mountain high 

I've met kind people; few think I’m a foe 

But each encounter is a lesson to know  


The characters are the people I have met 

Each played a part and left a lasting effect 

Some walked beside me, some left behind 

But all have shaped me, in heart and mind 


Through the twists and turns, I have grown 

To embrace the odds, to let my spirit shown 

With each trial and every test, I must endure 

To make me strong and make my spirit pure 


Nonetheless, my book of life is my life’s tale 

With each and every moment, I must not fail 

For all the lessons learned, with all its glory 

Is a tale worth telling, a never-ending story