Sunday, August 14, 2022

My Furry Friends Love

My furry friends so loyal and true

A heart of gold, a love so pure and new. 

With wagging tail and joyful grace, 

They brighten up each passing place. 


Their love is unconditional, a gift from above, 

A treasure to cherish and to love. 

Through good times and bad, they'll stand by my side, 

A steadfast companion, my heart's pride. 


With a nuzzle and a lick, they show their care, 

Their tail wagging wildly, with joy beyond compare. 

Their's a bundle of energy, a playful delight, 

My furry friends who bring such joy and light. 


Their love is unconditional, a treasure so rare, 

A gift that brings me closer to the divine. 

So I cherish this love, these precious gems,

 And never let it fade, I let it forever beam.