Monday, January 13, 2020

Anything Under The Sun

Under the sun, I write of all things bright,

Of nature's beauty, in morning light. 

The trees sway gently, in the breeze, 

As I capture their essence, with ease. 


I write of love, in its purest form, 

Of hearts entwined, through every storm. 

I paint a picture, with words so true, 

Of a bond unbreakable, between me and you. 

I write of laughter, and joyful tears, 

Of moments shared, throughout the years. 

I capture memories, in verse and rhyme, 

Preserving them for all time. 


Under the sun, I write of peace, 

Of a world where hate and anger cease. 

Where kindness reigns, and hearts are pure, 

And love and hope forever to endure. 


So let my words, like rays of light, 

Illuminate the darkest night. 

For under the sun, I'll always write, 

Of all things good and pure and right.